
Life In The Cattery

Life In The Cattery

Boarding Info & Daily Rates

Boarding Info & Daily Rates

Cat facilities

Cat Facilities

communal play

Communal Play



Life in the Cattery

The life of a cat is a glorious one. Here at Julies Boarding Kennels and Cattery, our dedicated Cattery Team are committed to ensuring that your feline companion will feel right at home.

From the timid and shy to the playful and cheeky, we individually tailor our care for each cat to ensure they have the best time with us.

We have a wide range of indoors, outdoors, single, family and communal units. Beds, bedding, toys, climbing frames and cubby holes are all supplied. Everything that your kitty could need.

Our Cattery team are dedicated to keeping our cat facilities clean. Each day we go through a strict routine of cleaning the enclosures, changing bedding, providing fresh food and water with even regular changing of those smelly cat trays, each time they get dirty.

Each cat also has their own daily charts allowing us to monitor closely their eating and toiletry habits. This is routinely checked several times a day, giving us the flexibility for us to tailor your pets care.

And let’s not forget about one of the most important part of your cats stay - pats, cuddles and playtime. Your kitty will get as much as they need because without it, their stay wouldn’t feel like home.

You are more than welcome to come and inspect our facilities. Please check “Contact” section for information on inspection times.

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Boarding Info

Vaccination Requirements

A minimum of a F3 vaccination is required.

We will need to ensure that vaccinations are sited prior to admission into our facilities. This can be either presenting your cats vaccination certificate during the checking process or a scanned copy can be emailed to us prior to the day of admission.

Daily Rate

To look after your cat, we don't like to pile on more charges for all those little extra tasks. Our daily rates inclusive and are customized to suit your pets stay. Listed below is what is included in the price;

Off-Peak Daily Rates (GST Inc): 2-7* day stay

$27.50/day **

Multi-animal (2+ pets) and Length-of-stay (8+ days) discounts apply.
FIFO rates also available - please enquire for more information
*Minimum 2 day stay (Kitty Day Care not available)
**Peak-Period surcharges applicable.

Visit our Booking and Enquiry Portal to:
- Check Availability
- Submit a Booking Enquiry.
- Book Online!!

What's Included

When supplied with a quote, the daily rate includes the following:

General Care
Everything that you cat need all wrapped up into one package. From pats and cuddles to bedding, play toys, feeding and exercise time.

Please advise our admin team if basic grooming is required. Own brushes are preferred for the longer hair felines that require brushing. Hairless breeds are cleaned under direction by the owners. Breeds with face folds are cleaned with unscented wipes when required.

Cats and Kittens are fed as per their individual dietary requirements. As standard, we supply biscuits during the day and wet food in the evenings.

What we use;

- Supercoat biscuits as primary dry food (meaty and fishy flavours)
- Large variety of wet food flavours (ie: chicken, beef, turkey, tuna, salmon)
- Tuna and Sardines
- Proplan biscuits (for sensitive stomachs)
- Mature age cat food and also kitten food

If your Cat or Kitten is on a very special diet and you wish to provide your own food, we can accommodate those requirements for no extra cost.

Exercise & Playtime
Pat time. Cuddle time. Play time. Climbing equipment. All included.

You don't need to pay us extra to give your cat attention as this is the best part of our day.

"But what if my cat is the *Grump* of all grumps and prefers to be alone?" - No problem's, our climbing furniture and toys ensure your cat can stay as active as they want during their holiday.

The Extra's

Special Care Tasks
Administration of medication, medicated washes and other special care tasks are an extra nominal fee depending on condition.

Please speak to our staff regarding any special requirements for your pet.

Veterinary Care Tasks
Sometimes there is the need to seek veterinary assistance for matters arising during boarding and these are additional costs. We will attempt to contact you or the designated alternate contact before acting.

In cases of emergency and no-one is contactable, we will still act in the best interest of your pet to get them immediate care.

Currently Unavailable

Electronic Media
We are always happy to answer periodic email requests for updates on how your pet is doing but whilst photos of pets in boarding and social media updates are available, it is NOT INCLUDED in our boarding packages at this point in time. Please enquire for further information.

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  • Indoor
  • Communal
  • Outdoor

Cat Facilities

Our Cattery has a range of facilities to accommodate your cats needs. Some of the features of our cattery include;

- Fully enclosed Indoor area
- Fully enclosed, undercover Outdoor area
- Individual, Family, Communal enclosures
- Air conditioning and ThermoShield insulation
- Therian Units

Individual / Shared Enclosures (1-2 cats)
These enclosures are personalised spaces for cats that like to be on their own or for 2 from the same family who enjoy sharing their space.

They are made of exposed mesh, allowing cats to physically keep to themselves while socialising with their next-door neighbours. There is a 3-tier frame included giving cats room to move, climb and jump around. Beds and blankets are also provided for your cat to cozy up to for nap time.

For cats that enjoy their solitude, we can insert privacy screens just so they don’t get disturbed by any other cats.

Family Enclosures (2-3 cats)
Family Enclosures are suitable for families that have 2-3 cats that love sharing their space together. These are spacious areas with their own cat furniture to climb and hide, multiple beds for sleeping and ample room when it comes to feeding.

Some of our family units also have a divider in them as well. This is to accommodate those families who have that one grumpy cat that wants to eat and spend time on their own from the rest of the family.

If one of your cats happen to have such special needs, please let us know so we can make sure they have their own personal space to retreat to.

Communal Enclosures (4+ cats and playgroups)
These are very spacious, 3m high enclosures with multiple climbing frames, cubby holes and beds for cats to run, hide, play and sleep. Suitable for;

- Families with 4 or more cats
- Social cats that love to play with others

Our outdoor area is under cover and fully enclosed. Great for those cats who like to spend a bit more time outdoors.

These enclosures are dependent on the weather of course. If it’s too hot or too cold, we will re-locate indoors so they can be more comfortable.

Therian Units
People always ask, “What if?”. Well in those special circumstances, we have special enclosures called Therian Units.

These are isolation units designed to allow us handle a variety of situations and monitor cats that require extra special care. Each unit comes with;

- Own ventilation system with individual air intake vents and specialised exhaust systems
- Separate sleeping and eating area
- Separate en suite area for their litter tray
- Each unit has a port hole with a door, so that kitty can access their en suite area
- Units are fitted with tempered glass doors for close monitoring

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Communal Play

Welcome to our feline community play gyms!
On admission you will be asked if your kitty is allowed to have access to our play gyms. When your kitty settles in and not showing signs of stress, AND we have your permission, we will see how they like our communal play areas. These gyms are fantastic for the more active cats and kittens.

If your kitty appears stressed or displays unsociable behaviour they will be taken back to their own individual units, and given play time on their own. Cats on their own medically prescribed diets are usually kept by themselves as there is access to biscuits in these gyms. Our Gyms have been so popular, and we are looking forward to adding more feline fun structures and activities. Come and have a look!

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Our Transport Services

Dear Clients,

Heads up! Our pet transportation service is currently hitting the pause button. Why, you ask? Well, we're so busy ensuring your pets are having a ball with us, we've had to redirect all hands, paws, and tails to focus on in-house care.

We're committed to providing top-notch snuggles and playtime, so while our wheels are resting, our team is in full pet-care mode. We hope this shift means even happier wagging tails and purrs at our facility.

Thank you for your understanding and for keeping us so popular! We promise our vehicles will be back on the move as soon as we can balance the zoomies with the road trips.

Kind Regards

Julies Kennels Management Team

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Get in touch

  • 12 Midas Road
    Malaga WA 6090
  • 08 6310 4500